This blog assumes that blind spots of power come with the CEO role no matter how good or true or well-intended you are. You can't afford to have them. So I give reminders of what I have seen in my experience to help you see. Or try to see. Monday morning practical tips will help you sharpen up and see what tweaks you and your blind spot. A little whack on the side of the head with your Monday morning coffee.

Monday, October 5, 2015


Effective CEO's need a broad range in behaviors.
They have to be flexible on a continuum of opposites i.e. paradox.

Here are some to think about in terms of your own flexibility on qualities that differentiate CEO's from other leaders as studied by Russell Reynolds Associates:

—strong bias toward execution BUT not impulsive

—tough skinned BUT not insensitive to others

—urgent BUT patient in timing of action

—inclusive in decision making BUT pragmatic in owning the ultimate call

—expressive of emotions, BUT disciplined in sharing them

—seeks different perspectives, BUT does not over analyze

And some of mine:

—warm BUT not intimate

—open BUT private

—optimistic BUT healthfuily paranoid

—dominant BUT collaborative

—innovative BUT prudent

The skill is to be fluid along the continuum, able to move easily toward one end or the other, never stuck. This is why being CEO demands such self-awareness and maturity and character and judgment. Now you see why there are not enough great CEO's 

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