This blog assumes that blind spots of power come with the CEO role no matter how good or true or well-intended you are. You can't afford to have them. So I give reminders of what I have seen in my experience to help you see. Or try to see. Monday morning practical tips will help you sharpen up and see what tweaks you and your blind spot. A little whack on the side of the head with your Monday morning coffee.

Monday, April 6, 2015


And vice versa.  Where there is a 'no' there is a 'yes'.
This is true like a law of physics

The laws of 'yes' and 'no':

l. A 'yes' always has a partner that is 'no'.

2. The bigger the 'yes', the bigger the 'no'.

3. Too many times the partner is invisible.

4. The hidden 'yes' and 'no' can be a very bad surprise.

5. It's important to make the invisible partner to 'yes' or 'no' visible

6. The 'yes'/'no' is not simply a trade-off.

7. The shadow of 'yes' or 'no' is a given, never goes away. 

8. When a decision is painful and avoided, look for the hidden 'yes' or 'no'.

Think about this for:
-marketing decisions
-promotions for people
-budget decisions
-meetings you attend
-outside demands
-long term strategy
-your own growth and development

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